Firing Industries Ltd. teams up with Auburn FilterSense to supply a broad variety of industrial equipment to Canadian businesses: solutions for triboelectric detection, reporting and data management, or predictive monitoring. For foundries located in urban areas, Auburn recommends its PM series of particulate measurement devices. This series is one of the most recent additions to the Auburn FilterSense family, and it helps companies meet environmental-regulation and air-permit requirements while maintaining productivity.
24-7 worry-free permit compliance
Because many foundries are in urban areas these days, it is vital to avoid excursion events for the sake of the local community. That is why these workplaces should put strong consideration into the type of dust-monitoring technology they choose, as well as the suppliers, to reduce environmental effects as much as possible. Auburn FilterSense has more than 30 years of experience in the global market, and its staff have the expertise to help customers monitor the harsh conditions in various areas of their foundries reliably.
The PM series of particulate measurement devices from Firing Industries is designed for applications that need hot, dusty, aggressive, and explosive protection. With industry-leading accuracy and measurement level detection capabilities, this equipment helps to identify emissions before they occur, with information in real time. Customers frequently report that the PM series helps to reduce maintenance time with its automatic EPA self-checks, which also enable worry-free permit compliance 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Users of these particulate measurement devices can unify display and alarm capabilities with the assistance of Filter-INSIGHT, Auburn’s remote Industry 4.0 service solution. This function can also provide state-of-the-art reporting functions to reduce administrative time requirements. This way, foundries can remain in operation longer, while still being seen as a good neighbour and community pillar and ensuring compliance with any national, international, or local environmental standards.
These are advanced particulate-monitoring systems that are built to meet a variety of process and regulatory requirements. All of these devices use DynaCHARGE technology, which is the most reliable particulate-sensing techniques available on the market.
To learn more, contact Firing Industries’ application-sales engineers at or (877) 688-0974.