Firing Industries offers environmental monitoring solutions by Auburn Systems.
Businesses everywhere rely on Auburn Systems environmental solutions, which are available in Canada through Firing Industries. Options available include products for dust-collector maintenance, baghouse controls, and much more. Another major provision in which Auburn specializes is environmental compliance monitoring. The manufacturer’s TRIBO series of dust detectors excel in this important function.
As climate change becomes more of an important issue throughout the industrial world, Auburn offers its environmental compliance monitoring as a way to help businesses reduce their environmental effects.
Reliable and cost-effective technology
Triboelectric particulate matter measurement technology has proved to be the most reliable and cost-effective option available, and sometimes, it is also the sole practical technology out there for particle flow monitoring. Due to its confirmed capabilities, even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States recommends this as the best particulate matter emissions monitoring technology.
There are many significant benefits of using environmental compliance monitoring by Auburn. As emission limits continue to increase across all industries, many older technologies can no longer be relied upon to comply with current or future emission standards. But the TRIBO series of dust-detection products can achieve compliance with the strict standards of the EPA, as well as air-permitting authorities here in Canada and elsewhere. The EPA has deemed Auburn’s lineup of monitors to be acceptable for use as bag leak detectors for compliance with its strict Maximum Achievable Control Technology applications standards, as well as the Title V (CAM) compliance monitoring rule for processing.
Another key advantage of switching to the use of triboelectric monitoring as part of a plant’s CAM plans is simplification of the reporting process. Auburn’s TRIBO devices eliminate the necessity of conducting daily visual stack inspections (as the EPA recommends) by automating the emissions data-collection and recording process. They also do away with the daily logging of differential pressure readings for every dust collector in the plant.
Firing Industries is proud to play a role in helping the planet with the help of Auburn’s products. Trust Auburn for the perfect emissions solution.
To learn more, contact Firing Industries’ application-sales engineers at or (877) 688-0974.