Hosokawa Micron makes particle-size analysis more accurate with pneumatic process

Hosokawa Micron revolutionizes particle-size analysis with its Mikro Air Jet Sieve (MAJS) devices, available in Canada via Firing Industries. What makes the MAJS method superior to those of competing devices is the use of pneumatic analysis, which offers more accurate, repeatable results. This method has become the standard for several industries, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, minerals, and chemicals – and MAJS instruments are the perfect choice to deliver these better results.

Reduced production costs, higher yield

The traditional process, stacking-sieve analysis, involves arranging a sieve stack so that the largest opening test sieve screen is located on top of the stack, followed by smaller screens until the bottom pan is reached. One problem with this method is that the larger particles end up blocking the passage of the smaller ones. Second, because finer particles have greater surface areas, they are more susceptible to attachment to larger ones. These features lead to inaccuracy in size analysis, which becomes significant when companies use stacking-sieve analysis for process control when they over-grind material – resulting in higher energy costs while decreasing the viable product yield.

Hosokawa Micron’s Mikro Air Jet Sieve uses air sieving instead. This analysis uses the finest opening test sieve screen, which removes the fines before they adhere to larger particles. A rotating slit wand improves sample distribution by emitting a jet of air; this causes the whole sample to contact the sieve cloth openings, and the reverse air-stream current carries away the particles small enough to pass through the opening. Higher accuracy and repeatable analysis are the results.

Although the MAJS air-sieving process tends to take more time because of the single test sieve screen sieving operation, it is still far more accurate than the stacking-sieve method. Companies that use the pneumatic process always reduce their production costs while boosting their product yield, making the extra time worth it.

Supplied by Firing Industries, the Mikro Air Jet Sieve system enables users to perform quicker, more accurate, and repeatable dry-particle-size sieving analysis with its air-sieving method.

To learn more, contact Firing Industries’ application-sales engineers at ddubuc@firing.com or (877) 688-0974.

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