Hosokawa Micron makes equipment that makes dishwasher powder more effective.

Firing Industries Ltd. supplies Hosokawa Micron powder-handling equipment; these products are common choices in the food-processing and pharmaceutical sectors. The manufacturer also offers solutions for the production of dishwasher detergent powder, which poses a challenge for comminution technology. Dish-washing powder processed through Hosokawa Micron products has higher cleaning performance, which leads to better user satisfaction, as this equipment enables additive-free compacting and gentle granulation for superior results.
Surface reduction for less agglomeration
In the manufacture of dish-washing powder, humidity in the air often causes unwanted agglomerates to form during production. This results in detergent that is less effective in cleaning dishes than it should be, which motivates customers to switch to competing products. But many tests have demonstrated that surface reduction lowers powder agglomeration. So granules should have a narrow particle-size distribution in the production of detergent powder for top results. Hosokawa Micron solutions can achieve this.
To get optimal particle-size distribution in the production of dishwasher detergent, the product must pass through three different process stages – compacting, granulation, and subsequent classification. Hosokawa Micron compactors and flake crushers, available from Firing Industries, are ideal for these stages. The first process stage, compaction, involves compression of the raw powder to the required density through press agglomeration; next up comes granulation, which crushes the pellets gently. Finally, the user separates the powder granules into the desired particle classes. The final result is a dishwasher detergent with a higher washing efficiency.
Among the advantages of this process: dust-free, easy-flowing granules; no binders required; easier operation and cleaning; a high degree of automation; efficient explosion-protection concepts; and lower investment expenses.
Hosokawa Micron makes two devices that are perfect for this application: the Series ARC compactor and the AFC flake crusher. Available in two models, the MS and CS, the ARC series of compactors is designed especially for the chemical and mineral industries. The AFC flake crusher gently crushes easily broken material; the device strains material through a screen with a horizontal rotor, which operates in an oscillating or rotating manner.
To learn more, contact Firing Industries’ application-sales engineers at ddubuc@firing.com or (877) 688-0974.Report this
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Status is onlineDanielle DubucBusiness Operations and Marketing at FIRING INDUSTRIES LTD.