NDC manufactures measuring instruments for the tobacco sector.
One of the manufacturers whose industrial equipment Firing Industriessupplies in Canada is NDC Technologies, a leading developer of measurement and control instruments. This includes its TM710e moisture gauges, which are specifically engineered for the tobacco and marijuana industries, and the InfraLab analyzer.
Tobacco processing is an application that has very precise product and performance requirements. NDC is aware that generic moisture meters, which are effective with food products, are insufficient for tobacco and marijuana because of inherent natural variations. That is why the no-compromise TM710e line is specifically designed to work for moisture levels from very low to up to 60 per cent, while the InfraLab is useful for various types of products.
Full process integration capability
NDC’s eighth generation of tobacco analyzers, the TM710e line is offered by Firing Industries in two configurations: the Tobacco Moisture Gauges, built specifically to measure moisture levels, and the Multi-Component Tobacco Gauge, which is capable of measuring nicotine and sugar. Optional integrated or remote temperature measurement is available with both configurations.
The TM710e moisture gauges have Ethernet communications compatibility and can communicate through all common Fieldbus protocols, which amounts to full process integration capability. Analog connectivity is also possible with the HMI and UserPort 710e devices.
The manufacturer also provides the InfraLab e-Series At-Line Tobacco Analyzer for quick, accurate single- or multi-component measurement. Available in moisture-only and multi-component versions, the InfraLab has a five-second measurement period per tobacco or marijuana sample, making it more convenient and efficient than the standard gravimetric testing oven and traditional continuous flow methods.
NDC has designed the InfraLab to be employed anywhere in the tobacco-manufacturing process as part of quality control. In complementing the TM710e, this instrument offers non-skilled access to complex measurement applications with little or no need for sample preparation. The InfraLab is compatible with Ethernet connectivity to management information systems, LIMS networks, or to personal computers to transmit data instantly.
The manufacturer recommends both the TM710e and the InfraLab as solutions for tobacco-leaf processing, primary tobacco processing, and reconstituted sheet tobacco.
To learn more, contact Firing Industries’ application-sales engineers at ddubuc@firing.com or (877) 688-0974.