New vacuum conveyor by piab changes material in mere minutes

Firing Industries keeps Canadian manufacturers in business with a broad range of high-end processing equipment, including piab’s line of premium vacuum conveyors, piFLOW. The manufacturer has added a new member to this family: the piFLOW®p SMART. This is a self-optimizing vacuum conveyor targeted at industries that handle many different materials or need to make frequent material changes. The piFLOW®p SMART changes materials six times more quickly than conventional vacuum conveyors do.

piFLOW®p SMART: The Changeover Champion

This new piab device is the perfect choice for producers in the food-processing and pharmaceutical sectors, which can expect to save a significant amount of time and money from the conveyor’s unmatched changeover potential, while increasing productivity substantially. The piFLOW®p SMART promises a profound effect on production in these sectors – serving as the Changeover Champion.

Higher speed is the main benefit of these new premium vacuum conveyors. Material changeover that would typically take an hour in a standard vacuum conveyor takes only ten minutes in the piFLOW®p SMART. This device will live up to its name with every new conveying cycle, using machine learning to tune the process automatically, by configuring and optimizing a flawless material flow set at the correct rate.

piab introduced the piFLOW®p SMART to the public for the first time at Expo Pack Mexico, which ran in Guadalajara from June 11 to 13. Now, Canada is set to benefit from the power of this device, which is ready to boost production and profit dramatically in food-processing and pharmaceutical plants.

Many models of piFLOW®p premium vacuum conveyors are already available from Firing Industries. Each of these machines is designed with a stainless steel body and meets the strict hygienic standards of the United States Food and Drug Administration. All piab conveyors are ATEX Dust-certified, while  piFLOW®p models are ATEX Gas-certified. Relevant applications include: powder and granule transfer; form-fill-seal or big-bag unloading and unloading; drum/bag filling and emptying; mill/sieve/mixer/blender filling; tablet/fragile-product transfer; hygienic applications; and tasks in explosive atmospheres. Ejector-driven vacuum pumps and mechanical pumps are also available.

To learn more, contact Firing Industries’ application-sales engineers at or (877) 688-0974.

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