One of the many great equipment manufacturers whose productsFiring Industriessupplies is piab, known for material-handling solutions for the food-processing industry. This includes high-quality vacuum conveyors, highly useful in sieving applications.
As renowned experts in processing food products, thepiabteam is always on hand to help its clients get the most out of its equipment. piabs history is rife with customer success stories including one case in Germany, in which the manufacturer helped a confectionary company increase its sugar output.
A new automated solution
This company, which produces organic candy, needed a more efficient solution for sieving the fine sugar that it needed for production. The company was using a bucket conveyor for sieving, but there were a few problems with this method.
First, the workers were using up time cleaning the buckets, a task they had to do every day because sugar absorbs moisture. This resulted in a lot of unnecessary downtime. Second, the bucket conveyor was an inflexible piece of equipment that took up a lot of floor space and limited the options for factory layout. Finally, the company needed to switch to a technique that complied with health and safety standards for food processing, such as those of the European Commission and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
To fix these issues, the company turned to piab.
After conducting some tests with the company, piab recommended one of its piFLOWf vacuum conveyors one with a 600 piBASIC vacuum pump and feed station. These vacuum conveyors can reach a capacity of two tons per hour and move sugar six metres vertically and four metres horizontally. With this new automated solution, all the staff had to do was empty sacks into the feed station and let the conveyor do the work.
Today, this candy company not only has less downtime and more flexibility for layout changes; it also has seen an increase of 30 per cent in capacity. Available fromFiring Industries, piFLOWf vacuum conveyors can increase efficiency for many food manufacturers.
To learn more,contact Firing Industries application-sales engineersatddubuc@firing.comor (877) 688-0974.