Silo Top Bin Vent Filter – featured in Powder and Bulk Solids

A bin vent filter is a dust filtration unit on top of a silo or a large bin. These storage units for powder and bulk materials can be filled mechanically by bucket elevators, for example, or by the pneumatic systems from bulk tanker truck. To avoid overpressure in the silo and pollution of the environment, this material and dust loaded airstream has to be filtered so the material stays inside the silo and only clean air exits the filter. A fan to support the flow in case the tanker truck filling is usually not required. The Silotop is a specialized filter for this use. This service-friendly bin vent filter has a pneumatic impulse cleaning system that can be used for a wide range of bulk materials.


WAM USA Inc., Lawrenceville, GA 770-339-6767

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