The advantages of using the new Matcon manual cone valve

Matcon is renowned in the powder-handling field for its Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) and for inventing cone-valve technology for safe, contained powder discharge. Now, Firing Industries offers the manufacturer’s latest solution in both areas: the manual cone valve. This is ideal for customers in the food-processing and chemical industries.

This new Matcon valve promotes mass-flow discharge of free-flowing powder, which prevents segregation of powder mixes and ensure product quality.

An effective butterfly-valve alternative

Tested and proven as an effective butterfly-valve alternative, the manual cone valve overcomes the problems of core flow, particle rolling, and powder-mix segregation, which are common with standard butterfly valves. This valve can be retrofitted easily to any existing flanged IBC outlet, resulting in a cost-efficient means of delivering better powder-handling ability to an entire IBC fleet through cone-valve technology.

The key features of this product from Firing Industries include simple hand operation, 100-millimetre stroking, variable stroke position locking, quick assembly and disassembly, promotion of mass flow powder discharge, a manual discharging procedure, and a total discharge of free-flowing powders.

To operate this unit, the user lifts the manual cone valve by pushing on the lever handle. As the valve rises inside the IBC, it creates an annular gap that allows powder to exit under mass flow. Because all material moves at the same time, particle rolling does not occur; as a result, the valve preserves the quality of the mix. The manual valve avoids many common powder-handling issues, like rat-holing.

Matcon is the ideal provider for this new solution. The company is the proud inventor of cone-valve technology and aims to extend this offering to a wider customer base. As a team of systems experts, Matcon not only provides IBCs, but serves as a partner to help all customers find the right systems for their needs. The manufacturer’s wide industry knowledge makes it a specialist in creating material-handling solutions for food processing, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

The classic Matcon IBC system is still ideal for sticky, cohesive powder and in applications that require automation.

To learn more, contact Firing Industries’ application-sales engineers at or (877) 688-0974.

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